Our Fresh Cut Roses Bouquet is a timeless and elegant arrangement of hand-picked roses, carefully selected for their beauty and fragrance. Perfect for any special occasion, from romantic gestures to heartfelt celebrations, this bouquet is designed to impress. The roses are freshly cut to ensure long-lasting freshness, with their lush blooms and vibrant colours creating a striking display.
Taking Care of Your Roses Bouquet:
- Trim the Stems: Upon receiving the roses, trim 1-2 cm from the stems at a 45-degree angle. This helps the roses absorb more water.
- Remove Lower Leaves: Carefully remove leaves below the vase’s waterline to prevent bacterial growth.
- Hydrate the Roses: Fill a clean vase with fresh, lukewarm water and add the flower food provided. Stir it well to dissolve the food.
- Change Water Regularly: Refresh the water every 2 days and trim the stems again to ensure continued hydration.
- Placement: Keep the bouquet in a cool room, away from direct sunlight, heat sources, or cold drafts. Avoid placing them near fruits, as the ethylene gas from ripening fruit can shorten the lifespan of the roses.
- Monitor and Remove: Remove any wilted petals or flowers to keep the arrangement looking fresh and vibrant.
By following these simple steps, your roses will remain beautiful and fresh for as long as possible.
- Red Roses: Love and Romance
- Red roses, the classic symbol of love and passion, are often used to express deep emotions and romantic affection.
- White Roses: Purity and Innocence
- White roses signify purity, innocence, and new beginnings. They are commonly used in weddings and symbolize the start of a new chapter.
- Pink Roses: Admiration and Gratitude
- Pink roses convey admiration, gratitude, and sweetness. They are perfect for expressing appreciation or celebrating milestones.
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